This is the best, brightest, and Baddest LED Camp Locator on the market offering more light functionality options then any other brand on the market.
Great for Nascar Races, Camping, Desert Excursions, Glamis, and all around outdoor activities where finding your way back to your camp is essential.
Our becon of light can be seen for miles. Your Bad Ass Unlimited camp locator will stand out like no ther LED light on the market with its 2D, 3d, and 4D options.
The 3d and 4D LED's will blow your mind with the multitude of patterns they run making them the most sought after LED camp locators offered on the market. If you've ever walked or driven around for hours in the night trying to find your camp, well I would highly suggest this product.
This kit from Bad Ass Unlimited comes with a remote offering 361 LED Light motion functions that will blow your mind. Picture a 3 and 4 dimensional light ruing wild making it more then easy to know what camp is yours. Buy the best Camp Locator today!
and solid colors usi The lighting functions include chasing patriot, static patriot, strobe, pong, and much more. The whip is 40" in length with approximately 36" of light. Encased in a clear polycarbonate tube, the light strip is also protected by clear heat shrink.
Kit Includes:
• Longest tubed LED Offered for Camp Locators on the Market
• LED Options offered in 2D, 3D, and 4 Dimensional
• Additional Option is the extendable Flag Pole